copper fitting for Air Conditioning and refrigeration
- product brand:Mueller Streamline
- Numéro de stand:N1E33
- product specification:ASTM B16.22
- product category:Assembly Supplies for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning-Pipes-Pipe
- product introduction:As originators of the solder-type copper fittings, our commitment toproviding the highest quality fittings in the industry holds a specialplace. Today, our expansive line of Streamline® Copper Fittings are one of the industry’s most complete offerings of fittings for copper
piping systems from one source. Our many years of engineering know-how and experience are reflected in the fine quality and workmanship of each copper fitting we manufacture.UL Recognized to 700 PSI (select diameters);Constructed of high-grade copper or bronze materials;Made to applicable ASTM standards B16.15, B16.18, B16.22, B16.24, B16.50, B1.20.1;Wrot fittings meet NSF 61G