INSO(Guangzhou)Ventilation Technology Co.,Ltd.

Company Profile

Inso(Guangzhou)Ventilation Technology Co.,Ltd–Professional fan manufacturers for HVAC and dehumidification air conditioner, Building ventilator, Smoke exhausting, Industrial cleaning, Environmental purification supporting. Products are widely used in HVAC and dehumidification air conditioner, Building ventilator, Agricultural drying, Air domes building, Industrial ventilation factory,Purification for factory, Environmental VOC, Kitchen oil industry.Ourmainproductsasfollow:Plenumfan, single&doubleinlet fan, counter centrifugal fan, industrial fan, axial fan, fresh air supply fan.Inso (China) manufacturing center is in Guangzhou. There are branches and service networks is follow: Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an, Wuhan, Zhongshan and Changzhou. There are R&D and service teams in South Korea, India and Vietnam.Inso ventilation relying on a strong R&Dability, manufacturingability, professional team for customer service, dedicated to the global energy saving and emission reduction contribution.

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